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Financial Sustainability is Everyone's Job: Optimizing Outside the CFO's Office

April 5, 2022

Panel Leader:

Maggie Labarta, PhD, Impact Non-Profit Consulting


Eleanor Castillo Sumi, Senior VP of Strategy, Innovation and Growth, Pacific Clinics

Jamie Stewart, CEO, Grafton Integrated Health Network


The answer to, “What keeps you up at night?” is inevitably “sustainability” for many behavioral health and human services executives. That’s not surprising given that many nonprofits are underfunded in the best of times and critically so in the worst of times.

While most CFOs take proactive roles in making sure everyone is aware of how revenues and expenses are interacting, operational alignment across the organization is where the larger impact can be found. So, how can financial sustainability become everyone’s job?

Join us as a panel of cross-functional experts explore the multi-faceted nature of financial sustainability including program development, operations and reporting, and executive guidance.

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