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Creating a Culture of Transformation to Accelerate Organizational Excellence

April 5, 2022

Speaker: Carol Duncan Clayton, PhD, Senior Associate, Open Minds


Health and human services organizations are caught in the tsunami of change, which is now endemic. The rapid changes associated with technological innovation in general and in healthcare specifically, coupled with the rapid shifts in where, when, and how services are delivered accelerated by the pandemic are the natural state of affairs.  
This constant state of change requires organizations to be nimble and responsive. Yet, organizations still have the demand of organizational performance, often tied to revenue streams. 
Responsive organizations require a culture of nimbleness, evolution, and learning.   Responsiveness is dependent on the people in the organization - how responsive are employees to changes, how eager are employees to learn new methods and approaches to work, how willing are employees to take on new tasks, new methods, or engage in new technologies in order to compel the organization forward? And most importantly, how do leaders support a continuous learning culture while balancing the business requirements tied to performance metric and reporting which create a focus on mastery rather than on learning and improvement?
This session will focus on how organizations can evolve in to a learning culture -- one that supports continuous learning and improvement while balancing the need for high levels of performance.   The audience will learn:

  • What is a learning culture and how it is distinct from a compliance driven culture?
  • How do you create a culture of leaning?
  • How do you balance learning and nimbleness with performance expectations?
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