Six Stats for HR: Workforce Management Priorities for 2019

May 7, 2019 Kristen McPherson


Six Stats for HR: Workforce Management Priorities for 2019

Our recent 2019 State of Workforce Management Report revealed how executives at Health and Human Services organizations are prioritizing their workforce management initiatives this year. But what did HR executives have to say about these priorities specifically? Here are the six most important workforce management stats from HR executives.

1. Out of 10 workforce management initiatives, HR executives rated maintaining regulatory compliance as most important for their organization.

Among all executives, including HR, compliance was rated as the initiative they found most important. However, executives also said compliance was the area they were most prepared to address. This might explain why HR did not list compliance as a top priority this year. Instead…

2. HR’s top priority this year is recruiting and retaining top talent.

This was closely followed by the initiative to increase employee engagement. Overall, these two workforce management initiatives have consistently been the top two priorities among executives across the board, far and away over the other initiatives. With turnover rates in Health and Human Services at 20% or higher, it makes sense for HR executives to want to focus on both recruiting and retention as well as employee engagement.

3. What does HR say is the greatest obstacle to recruiting top talent? High turnover rates.

More than a third of HR executives said that high turnover is their organization’s greatest challenge to recruiting top talent. As the people in charge of filling vacant positions, HR is highly aware of the challenges caused by high turnover rates. This may explain why HR’s viewpoint differed from what CEOs, Finance, and Operations executives reported as their greatest obstacle: the inability to offer competitive pay and benefits.

4. Only 20% of HR executives said that lack of qualified candidates was their greatest recruiting challenge.

There’s been a lot of talk lately about talent shortages and the skills gap, especially for frontline workers in the Health and Human Services industry. Therefore, you may be surprised to see this number so low. However, looking at the bigger picture, this may just indicate that the challenges involved with recruiting in this industry are widespread and multifaceted.

5. About two thirds of HR executives said their organization makes a conscious effort to retain top talent.

It makes sense for organizations to make efforts to retain their top talent, especially considering turnover is a significant challenge. However, this number still seems rather low, as it indicates about a third of organizations are not making efforts to retain their employees.

6. Roughly 85% of HR executives agree or strongly agree that their organization makes a conscious effort to engage employees.

In many cases, employee engagement initiatives originate with HR, so it’s encouraging to see executives from this department reporting that they are making efforts in this area of workforce management – especially since this initiative was one of the most important as well as one of their top priorities for this year.

Discover More Stats in Our Full Report

Interested in more findings from our most recent report? Download your complimentary copy of the 2019 State of Workforce Management Report. The insights from this report show how workforce management initiatives are shaping today’s Health and Human Services organizations.

The post Six Stats for HR: Workforce Management Priorities for 2019 appeared first on DATIS HR Cloud.


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