2023 Behavioral Health Industry Trends Report

As organizations adjust to a post-pandemic world and face new uncertainties, it’s time to consider (and reconsider) our priorities, strategies, and plans for moving forward in 2023. This report explores these key priorities within the behavioral health and human services space, helping to illuminate what the future may hold for this industry. In particular, it examines the complex dynamics between employees, clients, operational flows, and outcomes –  identifying organizational strengths and weaknesses across the industry. ​​

The 2023 Behavioral Health Industry Trends Report draws insights from more than 250 behavioral health and human services professionals who completed an online survey in December 2022. A nominal incentive in the form of a gift card was provided for the initial group of respondents. 

Read through the report to discover the latest insights on top priorities, key challenges, and areas of opportunity for the behavioral health and human services industry in 2023 and beyond. 

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