Ditch Your Modular HR Systems to Increase Operational Effectiveness

November 5, 2019 Kristen McPherson


Operational effectiveness is a top concern from both a finance and an operational perspective. While a finance executive might be concerned about efficiencies in order to reduce costs, an operations executive might want to improve internal processes to enable employees to be able to complete tasks more quickly and easily to meet organizational goals. When it comes to determining the effectiveness of your operations, it’s important to take a close look at the organization-wide workforce data stored in your HR and Payroll systems.

Many organizations of all sizes rely on modular HR and Payroll systems for their operations, but these systems can pose some problematic challenges. A top concern is the lack of a centralized database to store and organize important information, resulting in the inability to collect workforce analytics. This isn’t just an HR problem or a Payroll problem. Lack of complete and accurate workforce data can have far-reaching effects that span Finance and Operations as well.

Many modular systems involve the rekeying of the same information in different places, which is not just an inefficiency, but can also result in conflicting information. The bigger problem with not having a centralized system for employee and organizational data is the inability to access workforce analytics that are complete, accurate, and timely. With data stored all over the place, piecing together different elements in order to analyze them is a time-consuming process. It can be easy to draw up data that’s incomplete or incorrect, limiting the scope of insights you can rely on from the data.

Why Your Organization Needs Workforce Analytics

When everything is operating smoothly at your organization, you may have little concern about workforce analytics. After all, if things are going well, there’s no need to make any changes. But workforce analytics can provide greater insight into how well your organization is running and where there’s room for improvement. Perhaps there are specific programs that are not running all that efficiently, or maybe there’s a better way to allocate an employee’s time. Workforce analytics can provide you with this information and enable you to make proactive changes that will help your organization thrive not just now, but also into the future.

A Unified Solution for Workforce Analytics

So what’s the alternative to a modular system that can help us collect meaningful workforce insights? A unified HR and Payroll platform that centralizes your data can greatly increase your visibility into your workforce. With a unified solution in place, you’ll more easily be able to pull the information you need to draw up comparisons and reports that give you the helpful insights you need to make strategic, data-driven decisions at your organization.

The post Ditch Your Modular Payroll Systems to Increase Operational Effectiveness appeared first on DATIS HR Cloud.


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