4 Top Workforce Management Trends for Operations & IT Executives

May 7, 2019 Kristen McPherson


The Four Top Workforce Management Trends for Operations & IT Executives

Executives within Operations and IT play an important role at organizations looking to maximize efficiencies and streamline processes. They also made up a significant portion of the responses gathered for our 2019 State of Workforce Management Report. This report collected input from all types of executives from Health and Human Services organizations. Here, we’ve highlighted four key stats specifically from executives in Operations and Technology roles.

1. Operations and IT executives rated employee engagement, recruiting and retaining top talent, and investing in digital tools as their top three priorities for 2019.

The fact that responses from Operations and IT executives match up with the overall responses indicates a high level of alignment among these executives at their organizations.

2. A third of Operations and IT executives said they have not seen an ROI for digital tools. Another 39% were neutral.

Operations and IT executives were not convinced that the digital tools at their organization were providing a good return on investment. While 73% of Operations and IT executives were either neutral or said they did not see an ROI, 73% of Finance executives reported that they did see an ROI, in contrast.

3. 83% of Operations and IT executives said they experience information silos within different departments.

Executives across the board were likely to report that information silos exist at their organization, with 70% overall agreeing or strongly agreeing that these silos existed at their organization. Within Operations and IT specifically, this statistic was even more pronounced. Of all the executives, those most involved with the operations of the organization likely had a more close-up view of just how much information silos between departments can affect the functionality and efficiency of the organization as a whole. It’s not surprising, therefore, that Operations and IT executives also said a lack of cross-functional teams was the greatest obstacle to collaboration at their organization.

4. Only 58% of Operations and IT executives agree that their organization makes a conscious effort to retain top talent.

When looking at responses from all executives in our 2019 State of Workforce Management Report, the number was very similar, indicating general agreement regarding this workforce management initiative. What did Operations executives identify as the greatest challenges in recruiting and retaining top talent? The number one response was the inability to offer competitive pay and benefits, followed by a lack of qualified applicants. High turnover was listed third by COOs, whereas HR executives identified this as the greatest challenge.

Broadly speaking, Operations and IT executives were the most neutral about having met their workforce management goals last year. Based on the responses from these executives, they were positioned to see more of the challenges and obstacles that can occur from inefficient processes. However, their workforce management priorities this year are very much in line with what other executives are reporting, indicating that they may be well positioned to achieve greater results this year. Explore more results by downloading a complimentary copy of the 2019 State of Workforce Management Report here.

The post The Four Top Workforce Management Trends for Operations & IT Executives appeared first on DATIS HR Cloud.


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