Using the CaredFor App for Admissions

The first step is often the hardest one to take, and this applies to patients and behavioral health organizations alike. For patients, taking the first step in seeking out services and receiving treatment can be challenging. From sorting through a plethora of information online to getting past any personal fears or stigma, patients are often going through a lot before they ever make it to your behavioral health facility. Meanwhile, organizations struggle to identify these individuals and help them get past those difficult first steps. Fortunately, ContinuumCloud’s patient engagement app, powered by CaredFor, offers helpful features that can support the admissions process to engage and support individuals before the formal treatment process begins.

Learn more about how to use the CaredFor patient engagement app to create your digital front door, provide a starting point for family and friends to support those in need of treatment, and more in the full datasheet.

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CaredFor App for Family Support
CaredFor App for Family Support

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