CaredFor App for Family Support

The CaredFor app is best known as a patient engagement solution designed to support those currently in treatment. However, its benefits to your organization extend far beyond this singular use case. In fact, the app provides a convenient method for you to engage and support family members, caregivers, and others within your community. Here’s how.

Content & Resources for Family Members

The CaredFor app provides a convenient space for sharing educational resources and content designed specifically for families and caregivers. These resources can be shared in a content library or curated into a Care Journey to deliver a series of related resources that family members can consume in manageable steps.

Family Peer Groups

Similar to how the CaredFor app connects patients with shared experiences to create a supportive online community, you can also create a community for family members within the app. Family members and caregivers also share many struggles and experiences, and having a space with others going through the same thing can help provide the peer support they need.

Learn more about how the CaredFor app can support and engage family members and caregivers in this datasheet.

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Wellness Tracking in the CaredFor App

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Using the CaredFor App for Admissions

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