A lot of vendors claim to offer something similar to Position Control, leading to a lot of confusion around what the term means and what it can do. To help you sort through the noise and find the solution that will work for your organization, here are some questions to ask about Position Control.
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Once you have a plan that has mission-derived goals and strategies with each strategy tied to tactics and metrics, now what? Find out in this blog from Maggie Labarta.

It's time to check in on planning. Explore the planning process with Maggie Labarta, PhD, and learn how you can leverage technology to make a plan that works for your organization.

Watch this on-demand panel session exploring the balance between people-first initiatives and digital transformation, hosted by OPEN MINDS.

Find out where behavioral health organizations stand when it comes to technology adoption and usage in the workplace in this article from Maggie Labarta.

OPEN MINDS will lead a virtual panel session on 9/28 at 2pm ET on how organizations can prioritize future tech investments to better support patient and employee engagement.