Lead Your Organization Forward with Position Control Software

Kristen McPherson


Position Control software is an essential workforce management tool for leaders who want to drive their organization forward. In order for your organization to achieve its mission, you need visibility into your entire workforce. Much of this visibility comes from your ability to draw up the reports and information you need from your workforce management software.

If you’re relying on multiple or modular systems to handle your workforce management, you can easily end up with incomplete, inaccurate, and outdated information – which is completely useless if you’re trying to make strategic business decisions. This is where Position Control software truly shines. Providing a completely unified workforce management system that’s based on positions rather than employees, Position Control offers a single source of truth that addresses many of your top workforce analytics challenges all at once.

Position Control Ensures Accuracy

Organizing workforce management information within a single system ensures that you don’t end up with missing or conflicting data. Modular systems often require entering the same information in different places, introducing the opportunity for data entry errors.

Pulling reports from modular systems can be problematic as well, as multiple systems don’t always allow for the seamless flow of information. This can result in either incomplete reports or reports that require a lot of manual labor to piece together the information you need. With the single, unified system that Position Control software provides, inaccurate and incomplete information are things of the past.

Position Control Offers Real-Time Data

Because Position Control allows you to pull workforce analytics from a single source, your reports are generated almost instantaneously. This means you have access to data in real time, enabling you to get an accurate picture of your organization today and plan effectively for the future. For those relying on manual processes to pull reports, it’s easy to always feel like you’re one step behind. Position Control software essentially catches you up so that you can get one step ahead instead.

Position Control Provides Relevant Information

Reports are useless if they don’t provide you with the information you need. Because Position Control organizes your workforce by position rather than employee and feeds directly into HR and Payroll data, it provides unsurpassed drill-down capabilities that let you cross-reference, filter, and easily view exactly the information you’re looking for. Whether you need to look at budget allocations by program vs. department, vacancy reports, daily lost revenue data, or other roll-up reports, Position Control gives you the ability to find the information you’re looking for.

Position Control Helps Many Departments Succeed

The reporting and analytics capabilities that are inherent to Position Control systems is just one of the many benefits this unified software provides. Position Control can help across a wide range of departments – for example, HR can seamlessly recruit and track applicants while providing a smooth onboarding process, Finance can budget more effectively by seeing exactly where each dollar is going throughout the entire organization, and Operations can streamline business processes so that the entire workforce is able to work together off of the same information to achieve better results. All in all, Position Control enables behavioral health organizations to operate more effectively to provide better quality care and serve more members of their communities.

The post Lead Your Organization Forward with Position Control Software appeared first on DATIS HR Cloud.


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