2024 Behavioral Health Industry Trends - Workforce Insights

A Focus on Employees: Recruiting & Retention Are Priority #1

ContinuumCloud’s recently released 2024 Behavioral Health Industry Trends Report showed that once again, recruiting and retention are the top priority among behavioral health leaders this year. While workforce shortages are currently plaguing most industries, the talent shortage within the behavioral health space has been plaguing the industry for years.

As organizations continue to navigate what is rapidly becoming a workforce crisis, understanding the unique challenges and exploring creative solutions can help provide the path forward. This research brief features never-before-seen stats from the 2024 Behavioral Health Industry Trends Survey that will help us dig deeper into the state of the behavioral health workforce, explore employee engagement and retention strategies, and discuss how to overcome key challenges.

The Current State of the Behavioral Health Workforce

The 2024 Behavioral Health Industry Trends Report highlights what behavioral health leaders already know: maintaining a fully staffed and productive organization feels pretty close to impossible these days. As noted in the report, there are a whole slew of challenges related to workforce initiatives.

Learn more about the key challenges related to recruiting, retention, and employee development - as well as strategies to overcome them - in this research brief.

Plus, check out our related clinical research brief that takes a deep dive into client engagement strategies and how to improve patient outcomes.

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