How to Create a Successful Alumni Program

What Is an Alumni Program?

An alumni program is a community of previous patients of a treatment facility, usually led by an Alumni Coordinator on staff or a volunteer. These programs typically include people who have graduated from any level of care the treatment center offers and is a free or low-cost extension of treatment that provides long-term support and resources for alumni. These alumni programs help patients stay connected in a recovery community and allow treatment centers to stay involved with their patients after formal treatment services are over. Quality alumni programs also strengthen the services a treatment center provides.

Your Treatment Center Seriously Needs a Better Alumni Program

The road to recovery does not end after a patient has left your facility. As a treatment center, your goals involve helping patients as much as you can while expanding your reach. But how many times have you lost contact with an alumnus after they complete treatment? A well-designed and well-run alumni program becomes an integral layer of a treatment center.

Treatment centers with strong alumni programs don’t just see more re-admissions, they also see more referrals, as the provider stays top of mind for the alumni. An alumni program enables you to help former patients, reach more people, and puts you on a more solid financial footing.

An alumni community that works well creates a strong bond between the alumni and the treatment center, leading to referrals. It can also help to get alumni who may need additional help or services back into treatment sooner rather than later.

Learn more about the benefits of an alumni program and how to create an alumni program for your treatment center in the full guide.

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