Recruiting Management: Streamlining Processes as a Best Practice

Kristen McPherson


When’s the last time you took a hard look at your recruiting management strategy? Many organizations are so busy just trying to keep their heads above water filling open positions that they forget to take the time to look at their recruiting processes and think about how it could possibly be improved. But from an operational standpoint, it just makes sense to streamline. The more efficient a process is, the more time is saved, the more money is saved, and the happier everyone is at the end of the day. Consider the following benefits of identifying and implementing efficiencies to improve your recruiting management practices.

Save Time

The most obvious benefit of streamlining the recruiting process is saving time. There are often multiple decision makers involved in determining who should fill an open position. Resumes get passed around from person to person and several rounds of interviews may be planned. When all of these steps are structured into a clear workflow, it can help ensure the recruiting process doesn’t get stuck in one place if a resume disappears under a pile of paperwork or a particular manager is out of office that week.

Improve Visibility

Comparing Candidate A to Candidate B as fairly as possible can’t happen if you’re not organizing your recruiting notes in one place. Using an applicant tracking system can help aid in the decision-making process, providing a centralized location for decision makers to leave their input and get a bird’s-eye view of all applicants being considered.

Minimize Costs

The more you streamline the recruiting process, the more you’ll be able to minimize costs. Keeping your recruiting management processes organized means hiring managers and other decision makers will be able to review candidate information in less time. Plus, a shorter time to hire means revenue-generating positions can be filled that much sooner.

Improve the Candidate Experience

A recruiting process with a clear workflow and timeframe makes it easier to communicate expectations and next steps to candidates, which is one of the top things applicants say would improve their experience. Having an automated system that can send out offer letters electronically and allow candidates to accept in one click can greatly improve the overall experience. And, whether or not you ultimately hire an applicant, providing a positive candidate experience can help you maintain your organization’s reputation.

Reduce Redundancies

A streamlined recruiting process that stores all information in a centralized location can also greatly reduce redundancies. All too often, the information an applicant enters during the process doesn’t go anywhere, requiring different people throughout the organization to input the same information multiple times. By eliminating these redundancies, you can save valuable time and reduce the possibility of rekeying the wrong information. Plus, an applicant tracking system that integrates with your HR software will allow for a seamless transition to the onboarding process once you’re ready to bring on a new employee.

Assessing Your Recruiting Management Process

If you haven’t taken a look at your recruiting processes in a while, it may be worth the time to take a look at how it’s working. You may be surprised by the number of small inefficiencies that add up throughout the process. And you may find that it’s time to think about revamping your recruitment strategy to improve the candidate experience as well as your organization’s operational efficiency.

The post Recruiting Management: Streamlining Processes as a Best Practice appeared first on DATIS HR Cloud.


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